Learn the fundamentals of comedy and satire writing
All at your own pace, with real feedback from Reductress editors.
Online and at your own pace in these self-guided courses.
In this workshop, you’ll learn about what makes a great piece, how to generate ideas based on current events, how to build a solid headline, and write a satirical piece of your own – all on your own time and at your own pace. At the end of the course, each student will be able to submit a draft of their piece for notes from a Reductress editor at the end of the workshop.
Editor Sarah Pappalardo takes you beyond the fundamentals of satire writing to hone in on headline generation, editing your work, common pitfalls to avoid and some tricks to avoid them. You’ll learn about some common headline styles and approaches, what separates a good headline from a great headline, how self-edit your own written pieces, and finding different approaches to a single satirical idea. Notes are given on a sample headline at the end of the workshop.
Get the full package at a great value: Bundle includes: Reductress Workshop 1: Intro to Satire Writing and Reductress Workshop 2: Headlines, Heightening, and Self-Editing, and feedback on a full piece and an additional headline from Reductress editors.
Reductress online comedy workshops will give you a foundation to become a satire writer.
Individual feedback on headlines and written pieces from Reductress Editors
Access to a community of writers across the globe
Revisit material any time, at your own pace.